Monday, February 21, 2011

Gilberts Family Paradise Resort, Key Largo, Florida

One of many jelly fish. Glad we weren't in the water. They can give you a nasty sting.

Fellow cleaning his lobster traps on the back of his boat
Looks like he maybe dragged anchor. He is right up on shore.
Dinner at the tiki bar. Scott, Marlene, Nancy, Eddie and Wayne
We left Marathon early this morning. Wayne was ready to move, but I was sad to go. This is the first place that we have been at with consistently good warm weather, and it was beautiful. The first part of our trip was a ltitle rougher than we had anticipated. We came out through Sisters Creek, then followed the Hawk Channel up to Channel Five. Crossed into the intercoastal waterway at Channel Five, where the water smoothed out beautifully. The last half of the trip was great, but it was shallow, so required care to stay in the channel. As we left Marathon, we started seeing clear floating things in the water, looked like miniature crab pots but were actually jelly fish. For a good part of the way down to Channel Five they were thick in the water. Crab pots were also there, not so bad in the Hawk Channel, but very thick just after we went through the bridge at Channel Five. Also saw dolphins and a big turtle along the way. Travelled all day with Dream Fever and Nomad. Arrived here about 4 pm, seemed like a long day because of watching for the crab pots and shallow water. This is a resort and marina, so has a tiki hut bar and restaurant by the docks. Went down to the restaurant for dinner. It will probably be an early night tonight. We plan to stay here for 2 days, so will do chores and explore tomorrow. Might even try out the pool.

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