US Highway #1, mile 0 |
Yesterday was an interesting day. We left early to catch the bus down to Key West. It was only a few minutes late, no problem. Cost to ride the bus the 50 miles to Key West is $1.50 per person, then took a city bus in Key West for another $.50 per person. Walked down Duval Street, one of the main streets with all kinds of shops (mostly aimed at tourists), bars and restaurants. Visited Mallory Square, which looks out over the Gulf. Beautiful blue-green water, lots of boats anchored off-shore. A cruise ship was in the harbour, so streets were fairly crowded until it left a little later in the day. Nancy and I visited the Ernest Hemingway house. It is where he lived with his second wife from 1931 to 1940, and where he wrote half of all of his books. The one acre lot is home to 44 cats, many of which are poly-dactyl (6 toed). Apparently these 6 toed cats used to be considered good luck on the ships; Hemingway's sons delivered something to a ship and were given one of these cats as thanks. Hemingway was a cat lover and was delighted with the cat. The cats on the property today are all descendants of that original cat. The house has been kept as it was when he lived there. Apparently he had a relationship with a female reporter, and left for Cuba with the reporter; wife heard that the reporter was with him, so installed a very expensive in-ground concrete pool (Hemingway had previously gotten a price from a contracter and decided against it due to the expense). This was the only inground pool in the Keys at that time. When Hemingway returned, he saw the pool, knew that the were in trouble financially, took a copper penny out of his pocket and threw it at his wife, saying that she had spent all of his money, she might just as well have the last penny too. That penny is imbedded in the cement around the pool. Hemingway's friend at Sloppy Joes, the neighbourhod bar, was relocating so Hemingway asked if he could have the urinal out of the old bar to use to water the cats. He set it up near the pool. Angry wife asked that he move it, he said he would when she moved the pool. Urinal is still there, has been made into part of a fountain. Reporter soon became wife number 3. Wife number 2 lved in that house until her death. At Hemingway's death, sons sold the house to a family friend. She found people at her door constantly asking to see the house where Hemingway had lived, so finally had a tour company look after the house and give tours, while she moved elsewhere.
Visited mile 0, which is the end of US Highway #1. The other end is at mile 2377 at Fort Kent, Maine. Also went to the marker at the southernmost point of the US. Lunch at Fogerty's. Tried Sloppy Joes but all tables were taken and no one looked like they were leaving anytime soon. Sloppy Joes has live entertainment. Fogerty's was a little quieter, but very nice; they served huge amounts of food, and very good.
Wayne and Eddie visited West Marine in the afternoon, Nancy and I visited some of the shops.
We returned to Mallory Square for the sunset ceremonies, had a drink at the cafe along the water, then watched some of the many street acts in Mallory Square. There were acrobats, bag pipers, musicians, jugglers, street vendors, etc etc. Huge crowds, loked like a carnival.
Spiderman even comes to Mallory Square for the sunset ceremonies |
Sunset at Mallory Square |
Walked up the catch the city bus, we knew we were about 25 minutes early, but a beautiful evening, warm, full moon, no problem waiting for the bus and people watching (and there was lots to see). Bus arrived 15 minutes early, turned out it was the previous bus that was 45 minutes late. A supervisor was riding the bus, helping a new diver learn the route; some of the regulars commented on the fact that it was so late, the supervisor got quite cross with one drunk lady. Good entertainment on the bus. Met the bus to take us north to Marathon, nice bus, even had brakes that didn't make a scraping noise everytime they were applied. About half way to Marathon, the bus broke down; it was leaking fuel. We all got out, in the end waited on the side of the road for the next bus,which was about 1 1/2 hours later. Mind you, full moon, stars out, nice warm evening, we happened to stop by a gas station with a little store and bathrooms, could have been much worse. Got back to Marathon on the next bus after 11, so a very full day.