Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Crow's Nest Marina, Venice, Florida

The men re-doing ropes and fenders on Dream Fever.
Got up this morning to a stiff breeze, but sunny and warm. The marina has courtesy bicycles, so we borrowed them and went touring in Venice. Seems like a nice town with a lot of seasonal rent houses, apartments, villas. Many people our age and older out walking or biking on the streets. We went up to the beach, walked along the beach and looked at a lot of shells. Temperature is nice and warm, I wore a sleeveless top and jeans, was sorry I had worn the jeans. Went on to the main shopping street and poked around for a couple of hours, had lunch. Every now and then it got really cloudy and the wind was getting stronger. Luckily the wind was behind us as we biked back to the marina. The men retied ropes on the boats and added extras. It rained some late this afternoon; when it was rianing we looke dout and the pelicans were lined up in the water. Nancy said she saw them picking fish out of the water, perhaps they are easier to catch in the rain? We went out with Nancy and Eddie to the restaurant at the marina for dinner, the main storm hit while we were eating. Strong winds and rain with thunder and lightening, passed by the time we were finished with our meal so timed just right for us. Another front is supposed to come through later, and tomorrow is supposed to be windy still, so we have arranged to stay here until Thursday.
The marina courtesy bicycles

Marina sign

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