Saturday, December 11, 2010

Twin Dolphin Marina, Bradenton, Florida

Dream Fever as they crossed their wake

We have moved south of Tampa Bay to Bradenton. Had planned to leave first thing this morning, the forecast was for a warm sunny day. However, the day dawned with dense fog which hovered all morning. We did wonder if we would be able to travel today at all. By 11:30 Eddie had spoken with the people at the marina here and they said the fog had lifted and it was clear. Also, the TV weather said that St. Petersburg (between where we were and where we wanted to be) was clear. It looked like it was lifting a big, so we left and it did indeed clear. By early afternnon we had blue skies and warm weather. We did have to be careful, there were crab pots along the channel in many places. We travelled for some time along beside the Tampa Bay Skyway Bridge, which is 175 ft high, and goes on for several miles. There seemed to be no way to get a good picture of it. Nancy and Eddie crossed their wake just before we crossed Tampa Bay.  We both tooted our horns, and I took a picture of Eddie on the back of their boat with their gold flag. Got into the marina here and wanted to go out to celebrate. The town was holding their boat festival of lights just outside the marina, and the restaurant here at the marina was all booked up. We walked uptown; they were having a Christmas festival with vendors all along the streets, a choir of children singing, Christmas music playing, and wall to wall people.  They even had imported snow so children could slide. Kids could ride in half barrels painted like cows, just like the ones they have at Cannamore Orchard at home.  The line up to visit Santa at the North Pole must have been over a block long. The streets were lit up with spectacular decorations. They really do Christmas well here in Bradenton. We came back to the boats and ordered pizzia, had front row seats for the festival of lights, and toasted Nancy and Eddie with champagne. We will go out to eat tomorrow. Quite an accomplishment - completing the loop. We congratulate them.

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