Thursday, September 30, 2010

Joliet, Illinois

We left Chicago just before 9 am, went through the first lock of the system at Chicago Harbor, then started down the Chicago River and Sanitary Canal. The first part is beautiful, with all of the skyscrapers and walkways along the water. Then we got to the more industrial part of Chicago, and we started seeing the barges and tows. The first couple of tows that we met were on a straight stretch so we just needed to stay out of their way. Then we met a large one in an area with many barges tied along both sides of the canal, so there wasn't much room. The tow driver kindly told us where to tuck in so that we would be out of his road - worked well. Watching one small boat pushing all of those barges is amazing, one can see why he needs a lot of room to turn. The ones we were meeting were six packs, so 2 barges wide and 3 long, all tied together and pushed by one boat.
Nancy and Eddie had left earlier than we did this morning, they had to travel down Lake Michigan for about 10 miles and enter another waterway, the Cal-Sag, which would in time join up with the one we were in. As we approached the junction, we commented that it would be funny if they came popping out of the other branch.We looked up the other branch, and there they were. We could not have timed it better if we tried. I lost count of the number of bridges we went under today, but we only needed to have one opened for us. Lucky we can get down to a height of 16', several bridges are just over that.
Arrived in Joliet at about 5 pm, they provide free docking along the town wall, and power as well. Very nice. Got together with Nancy and Eddie for dinner; we'll have an early night then move on tomorrow am. There are a few other boats here, one is Two by Two who we have seen in the distance several times. Beautiful boat.

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