Inukshuk on the grounds of Rideau Hall |
The changing of the Queen's Footguard |
Wayne worked on the boat, changing filters etc to make sure that we would have 2 engines running as we travel over the next few days, found pieces of plastic in the fuel lines and connectors, so dirt in the fuel tanks is still causing the problems. Nancy, Eddie and I went for a walk along Queen Elizabeth Way this morning, beautiful park land and bike path. This afternoon the 3 of us went for a bus tour of Ottawa. Since we live so close to Ottawa, I've never done a tour before, so it was good for all of us. The guy here at the marina arranged for the tour bus to pick us up here at Dow's Lake, then it took us downtown and we were able to buy a ticket for the tour there. Had lunch downtown on the Sparks Street Mall,then caught the next double-decker bus for the rest of the tour. Got off at Rideau Hall, the Governer-General's Residence, had a tour of the residence and spent some time in the extensive grounds. Interesting to see the trees planted by various dignitaries who have visisted Canada, including Mugabe from Zimbabwe, the president of Pakistan, Vladomir Putin, Boris Yeltsin, several others, and the tree planted by Princess Elizabeth when she visited before she became queen. The tour also took us past many embassies, past parliament buildings and through the Byward Market. We plan to take the boat downtown tomorrow so we can walk through the market and visit the Parliament buildings and war memorial. Our freezer seems to have died, so we have meat stowed in the freezer over the fridge and turned the ice maker into a temporary freezer. Will have to look into getting another one tomorrow. Hope they deliver.
Eddie and Nancy with a footguard. As we were taking the picture, the commissionnaire came over ask us all to stand on the side without the gun, new rule this year. Wonder if it had anything to do with the bayonet on the end of the gun, and the young man who was injured earlier this year.
Grilled steak on the boat tonight (it wouldn't fit in anywhere so we had to cook it). Big party going on in the restaurant right beside the boat, fun watching the kids dance, but hope it doesn't go on too late.
Rideau Hall
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