We spent the morning at Baldhead Island Marina; did the wash and went for a long walk on the beach. Lots of shells, jellyfish on the beach. Watched a couple of crab scuttling for their holes. As we left Baldhead Island, we were heading up the Cape Fear River, and all of the books say to enter the Cape Fear River on a rising tide, otherwise you will travel against a very strong current. Low tide was at 1:30 pm, we left the marina just after lunch. As we left Baldhead Island, we had to go around some shoals, follow the inlet channel, then enter the river. At that point, we were passed by a fast ferry from the island, met a tanker coming out of the river, had several speed boats zipping around, then were passed by and met a couple of ferriers from further up the river. Seemed like a very busy place, with lots of wakes, for a few minutes. Once we got into the river itself it was OK. Travelled up the river and into Snows Cut, then up to Wrightsville Beach. Along the way, passed Sunny Point ammunition depot,apparently the ammunition storage for all of the US. It would have been really easy to follow the marked channel into their area, but it was well guarded with several boats with guns, and many danger signs. I suspect that one would not get very far up their channel.
Beach, then sand dunes, then houses. |
Passed by a floating bait store today |
Some of the other boats in the anchorage; as it happens, the three closest to us are Canadian. We have seen them before, but never actually met them. |
Watched pelicans today, but realized that we had not seen any dolphins, very unusual, so we wonder if we are getting too far north for them at this time of year. Came into the anchorage to find several boats already here. Both Crawdad and ourselves did manage to find a place to anchor. This will be the first time we have anchored in higher tides and tidal currents, so it will be interesting. Today as we travelled, we crossed the 34th parallel, so we are moving north. O f course, home is at the 45th parallel, so a little way to go. Jim and Gloria came over for drinks before dinner, then we barbqued on the boat, an easy meal. We are anxiously awaiting the results of the Canadian election tonight.
Garages on Baldhead Island are very small, but then they only hold golf carts.
More huge homes, many with the widows walk on top
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