The St. Johns is a long river, one of the few in North America that actually flows north rather than south. Until we get almost to Palatka, it is on average 2 miles wide, so very broad. As we go upstream we are actually travelling south, and the address here is St. Augustine, which we are fairly close to, across country. Cloudy this morning, with storms predicted and a tornado watch. We spent some time in Green Cove Springs visiting the historic Episcopalean church, very beautiful on the inside. This church has fire escapes built in under the stained glass windows. We also went to the Corbett produce market, got some fresh fruit and vegetables. Left the city dock at about 11; passed by several old navy piers. Apparently it used to be a base for navy ships, but Lyndon Johnson had the base moved to Texas, at least that is what someone on the dock told us last night.We travelled south to Six Mile Creek, tied up at the Outback Crab Shack dock. This restaurant has a wonderful 1000 ft floating dock; they don't charge anything as long as you eat at the restaurant, seems like a good deal to us. Six Mile Creek is fairly narrow, but plenty of depth. Tied to the dock here, we saw a baby alligator swimming on the other side of the dock, we have seen many large fish jumping in the water and a few turtles.. The Florida Law Enforcement boat was here checking the fishing licenses of the people fishing off the dock, plus checking what they were catching. Good thing we didn't try fishing, since we don't have a license.
We were the only boat here until mid afternoon, saw another boat coming in. It was Jim and Gloria Crawford in Crawdad, with their daughter Adrienne. They are on their way back to Jacksonville, Just after they arrived, there was a thunder storm, wind and rain,tornado warnings but no tornado. Still cloudy this evening, predictions are for cloud and possible thunderstorms tomorrow, then it should clear. We wanted to take our dinghy and explore further up the creek, but it was a little wet today. Hopefully tomorrow. Had dinner with the Crawfords at the Outback Crab Shack tonight, good food and good company. Adrienne has introduced me to a new online game that I can play on my I Phone, much like Scrabble.
The old navy piers seem to be used to house cruise ships, big boats needing repair. |
The dock here at Outback Crab Shack is very long |
Coming into Six Mile Creek, everything seems so green after some of the very dry areas we have been in. |
We saw small shad flies at Green Cove Springs, last night, first we have seen since we left home. Here we seem to have a few flies and some mosquitoes, as well as small flying things. Guess spring is coming.
The inside of the Episcopalian church; the wood visible under each side window is actually a small door hinged to swing outward. |
This church is on the National Historic Building Register.