Have had no internet access for the past 3 days, so will now post what I had written for each day.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Greg from GoneCruzin tying ropes off our rafted boats to the trees on the side at Bashi Creek |
Bashi Creek Anchorage
We left Foscue Creek at first light to get through the only lock for the day in good time. The four boats from the barge, and another 9 or 10 from the marina all locked through together, then we started sorting ourselves out in terms of faster boats and slower ones. Some of the faster boats planned to go to Bobby’s Fish Restaurant, a trip of over 100 miles. We slower ones had planned on anchoring here in Bashi Creek. However, none of us knew exactly how many boats could fit in here. Well, we have 10 boats in here, many rafted together. We are on the inside, rafted with GonCruzin. Dream Fever is in the next row, rafted with two other boats. It actually is working quite well. Should be fun to untangle in the morning. Predictions are for cold weather tonight.
Saturday, November 6th, 2010: Bobby's Fish Camp
Got up this morning to frost on the decks and dense fog. Waited until after 8 for the fog to clear, then had to start untangling all of the rafted boats. It actually worked quite smoothly. It was only a 2 ½ hour run down to Bobby’s Fish Camp. There are 7 boats here, three of us rafted off of other boats. We are once again rafting with Dream Fever. The day warmed up a bit, but stayed in the high 50s with wind, so still needed a sweatshirt. We will all head out to the lock as early in the morning as we can safely travel (predictions of frost again tonight, so good risk of fog again).
Bobby's Fish camp is a legend along the river, the only place to dock in this whole section. It was owned by Bobby Dahlberg; when he died his daughter took over running the fish camp and the restaurant. They have a gas dock and another dock that is 160 feet long. The restaurant is open only on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. We had heard that there was a fire there, and two boats were burned when one exploded while fueling. There were scorch marks on the dock, and a newspaper article in the restuarant about the fire. The article said one person was badly burned and airlifted to a major hospital. However, Bobby's docks are still there and they are still pumping fuel.
Went for a good walk today, nice to get on dry land and stretch our legs. This area seems to be a place for cabins, cottages and nice homes. Good walk up the road through trees, many loaded with Spanish Moss. We all went up to the restaurant at Bobby’s for fried catfish, then early to bed, the time changes tonight.
Sunday November 7th At anchor in the Alabama River Cutoff
We went through our last lock for this stretch today, Coffeeville Lock, just past Bobby’s Fish Camp. It was foggy when we got up, and the decks were icy, so we couldn’t leave until about 8 am. Short wait at the lock, then on down the river. After the lock, the river is open to Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, so the water is brackish and we are subject to tides. In the Gulf of Mexico, there are only two tides every 24 hours, and the rise is only about 2 feet, so a good way for us to learn about them.
Lots of tows today, and a very windy stretch of the river, so it was interesting. Made it down to mile 52.8, which is the Alabama River Cutoff, by just after 3. Anchored here, rafted with Dream Fever. Rambler was already here and had anchored a little further inside the cut. Seamoore and 30 Below arrived shortly after us and anchored and rafted in the mouth of the cut. Then 3 other boats came in and anchored among us; it is getting a little tight. Got together with Nancy and Eddie from Dream Fever for hamburgers for supper. It will be early to bed and and early start tomorrow; if all goes well we will be at a marina in Mobile Bay tomorrow night.