The mechanic here at the marina came this morning to investigate our recurring issue with the port engine. He thinks he has diagnosed the problem, but repairs will have to wait until Tuesday. Therefore we will be here until then. If we had to stay somewhere for a few days, this is definitely the place.
Walked into town to a farmer's market, got fresh vegetables and bread. Went into town again tonight with the dinghy, and got groceries. It's about a 5 minute dinghy ride into the town dock. Wayne spent a good part of the day cleaning the boat (especially getting rid of spiders). This evening just walked around admiring some of the boats here. Had a nice visit with Barb and George from Whisper. They had their mast shipped here, and have spent the past 2 days having it put back on the boat and ready to use.
Weather here was cloudy most of the day, few rain showers, turned out to be a nice evening. Fireworks off in the distance.
Overheard on the dock today, a conversation between a younger and an older boy. "What are you, about 8 years old?" "Yes, I'm 8". Well I'm 12 years old". "Well, I'll be 12"
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Entering Potato Island Channel in Georgian Bay |
Moved on to Penetanguishine today, winds calm so a nice trip. Channels less busy than we had expected given that this is a holiday weekend coming up. Met some loopers who are still here. Also caught up with Barb and George from Whisper, with whom we shared dock space at Port Severn Lock. Bay Moorings Marina is very large, with 220 permanent slips, plus room for another 20 transients. Facilities are well kept, nice place.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Port Severn still
29 July, 2010
Winds gusty today so stayed at the Lock at Port Severn. Spent the day helping other boats on and off the docks. Lock very busy today, the lock staff certainly earned their pay.
<><><> Moving Whisper off the blue line<> <><><><><><><><><><><><>
One boat that locked down into Georgian Bay this morning apparently went up on the rocks just past the highway bridge, hopefully not too much damage.
Winds gusty today so stayed at the Lock at Port Severn. Spent the day helping other boats on and off the docks. Lock very busy today, the lock staff certainly earned their pay.
<><><> Moving Whisper off the blue line<> <><><><><><><><><><><><>
Lock staff hard at work |
Best not to get too far out of line as we leave the dock at Port Severn |
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Port Severn
28 July, 2010
Went through the Big Chute Marine Railway this morning, had watched boats going through last night, very interesting to see the boats go up and over on the carriage, then settle into the water below and set off again. Got several pictures of other boats going through. Our ride was quite uneventful, very pleasant.
Weather forecast for today is showers, thunderstorms and high winds, with a severe wind warning. We came up as far as Port Severn Lock and tied up at the top of the lock with several other boats. We hear that Georgian Bay is “ugly” with the winds, so we just stayed here. One boat came through the lock from Georgian Bay, had apparently spent 5 hours on a rock in Georgian Bay, and they were running on one engine, had damaged one prop. Winds continued to gust through late afternoon and evening, so very glad we decided to stay here.
View of Big Chute Marine Railway from our back deck as we exit |
Whisper entering the Big Chute Marine Railway |
Whisper entering the Big Chute Marine Railway |
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Big Chute Marina
Out for dinner with Linda & Ian, Mary & John, and Betty |
Left Orillia early, crossed a very quiet Lake Couchiching, then on through the next lock. Locks busier today than we have seen. Beautiful cottages/homes along the waterways, they seem to get better as we go. Issue with fuel line still not resolved, will have to have it looked at in Penatang.
In Big Chute Marina tonight, at the top of The Big Chute railway, met up with family, Ian and Linda, Betty, and Mary and John who are on their way home from a trip west with their 5th wheel trailers. Had dinner with them and got caught up on the adventures all of us have had since leaving home. Very nice evening.
Also met Peter and Joanne from Tony M, had met them in Orillia, and they are tied up at the Big Chute lock tonight, had a chance to get caught up with them as well.
If the weather is fit tomorrow will try to move on to Penatang.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Orillia (2nd day)
View up the boardwalk |
Guitars decorate the waterfront at the Port of Orillia |
Quiet day today, stayed in Orillia. Did some shopping, cleaned the boat while waiting for a mechanic to check out an air leak in our fuel system. Walked along the waterfront here tonight, the city has a beautiful park all along the water, with playgrounds, beaches, bike and walking paths. Six gentlemen entertained with bagpipe and drumming.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
View from the top of Kirkfield Lift lock; just like in Peterborough, we are raised up in a huge bucket of water, counterbalanced by another bucket going down on the other side |
The Port of Orillia is great, within easy walking distance of amenities like grocery stores, restaurants, etc.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
July 23 2010
Moved on to Rosedale today, through Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls, both very pretty towns. Stopped for a few minutes in Bobcaygeon for a little shopping, lucky to find a spot at the top of the lock to tie up on a Saturday. Predictions of storms this afternoon and evening so glad to be tied up in Rosedale. Lock in a beautiful spot, very peaceful.
As we arrived, we were surprised to be greeted by a gentleman who called us by name; Barry and Alice are looper fans who keep track of looper boats coming up the system, had a delightful visit with them. Plan to be in Orillia tomorrow.
Moved on to Rosedale today, through Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls, both very pretty towns. Stopped for a few minutes in Bobcaygeon for a little shopping, lucky to find a spot at the top of the lock to tie up on a Saturday. Predictions of storms this afternoon and evening so glad to be tied up in Rosedale. Lock in a beautiful spot, very peaceful.
As we arrived, we were surprised to be greeted by a gentleman who called us by name; Barry and Alice are looper fans who keep track of looper boats coming up the system, had a delightful visit with them. Plan to be in Orillia tomorrow.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Buckhorn Still
July 23, 2010
Pouring rain this morning, so a good day to just stay put and rest. Got a lot of chores done. Another looper couple are here in Fortuity, a beautiful Ocean Alexander. Docked near a boat that needed to be hauled out because they went on the wrong side of a red marker just outside of Bobcaygeon, went up on some rocks. Damaged props and put a couple of deep scrapes on the bottom of their Carver, it will be a few days being repaired. Too bad, it certainly changed their holiday plans.
If the weather is good in the morning, we will move on.
Pouring rain this morning, so a good day to just stay put and rest. Got a lot of chores done. Another looper couple are here in Fortuity, a beautiful Ocean Alexander. Docked near a boat that needed to be hauled out because they went on the wrong side of a red marker just outside of Bobcaygeon, went up on some rocks. Damaged props and put a couple of deep scrapes on the bottom of their Carver, it will be a few days being repaired. Too bad, it certainly changed their holiday plans.
If the weather is good in the morning, we will move on.
22 July,2010
We are in Buckhorn, tied up in Buckhorn Yacht Marina, a very nice facility about a mile beyond the top of Buckhorn Lock. Left Peterborough about 8:45 this morning, went through one regular lock, then the big lift lock. Absolutely amazing to sit your boat in a tub of water and have it rise 65 feet, with a counterbalancing tub going down at the same time. Took pictures, but I could not capture what we were actually experiencing. We started at Lock #20, Ashburnam this morning, then the lift lock, and since then went through 8 more locks, so a total of 10 today. Beautiful warm sunny day, very little breeze, so we travelled further than originally planned. Forecast for tomorrow is rain and wind, so we may stay put.
Along the way today, scenery is changing, more rocks, small rocky islands, still many beautiful cottages, some almost covering the island they sit on. Even a glass house.
A sharp-eyed reader reminds me that we have not updated our personal information since last winter. Since then, we have another grandchild, and we have both retired, so will make sure our information reflects that. Thanks Joy.
We are in Buckhorn, tied up in Buckhorn Yacht Marina, a very nice facility about a mile beyond the top of Buckhorn Lock. Left Peterborough about 8:45 this morning, went through one regular lock, then the big lift lock. Absolutely amazing to sit your boat in a tub of water and have it rise 65 feet, with a counterbalancing tub going down at the same time. Took pictures, but I could not capture what we were actually experiencing. We started at Lock #20, Ashburnam this morning, then the lift lock, and since then went through 8 more locks, so a total of 10 today. Beautiful warm sunny day, very little breeze, so we travelled further than originally planned. Forecast for tomorrow is rain and wind, so we may stay put.
Along the way today, scenery is changing, more rocks, small rocky islands, still many beautiful cottages, some almost covering the island they sit on. Even a glass house.
A sharp-eyed reader reminds me that we have not updated our personal information since last winter. Since then, we have another grandchild, and we have both retired, so will make sure our information reflects that. Thanks Joy.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Moved on to Peterborough today, across Rice Lake and up the Otonobee River and Trent Canal. Weather predictions were for possibility of storms later, so left early. It was mainly sunny with passing dark clouds. Getting breezy by the time we arrived in Peterborough, little spit of rain while we were in the lock just outside of Peterborough. Quite a few logs/big pieces of wood floating in the Otonobee River.
Took full advantage of the marine store here in Peterborough; bought a fender to replace the one that had ruptured and talked to the owner about our only partially functioning GPS. Keeps giving us a Lost signal message; she gave us the number to call for customer support, and the technician gave us some ideas. We think we have the issue solved, at least we hope so. Did use the little GPS on my IPhone with Navionics charts as a backup on the way, it actually works quite well. Lori and Jay from BranchNout overtook us on the way to Peterborough, we had a nice visit with them here. Trips to the grocery store and the laundromat took care of most chores.
Concert in the park here tonight right beside the marina, we have good seats right in the back of the boat. Gord Bamford is playing and there seems to be a big crowd.
Took full advantage of the marine store here in Peterborough; bought a fender to replace the one that had ruptured and talked to the owner about our only partially functioning GPS. Keeps giving us a Lost signal message; she gave us the number to call for customer support, and the technician gave us some ideas. We think we have the issue solved, at least we hope so. Did use the little GPS on my IPhone with Navionics charts as a backup on the way, it actually works quite well. Lori and Jay from BranchNout overtook us on the way to Peterborough, we had a nice visit with them here. Trips to the grocery store and the laundromat took care of most chores.
Concert in the park here tonight right beside the marina, we have good seats right in the back of the boat. Gord Bamford is playing and there seems to be a big crowd.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Peaceful night last night on the wall of the town docks in Campbellford. Left this morning after topping up fuel tanks in Campbellford (as did most of the other boats there, cheapest fuel in the system). Took about 5 hours to pass through the 6 locks and wind our way through Crowe Bay and River, Seymour Lake, Burnt Point Bay, and Trent River and canal. Lots of beautiful homes and cottages along the route. Not many boats coming down the system. We met one tour boat, a couple of cruisers.
As we entered Lock 13, we were told that it was a port side lock. Asked what made it different (Had been going in on the starboard side). According to the lockmaster, many locks at the beginning of the system have been renovated so that the water comes in from one side at the bottom, bounces off the other side, then rushes back. The boat needs to be on the side from which water is entering, because the water bouncing back will hold the boat on the wall. Only locks 13 and 15 are port side locks, the others below them are starboard locks, but the locks above them have water coming in from the centre, so the boater can go on either side.
As we entered Lock 13, we were told that it was a port side lock. Asked what made it different (Had been going in on the starboard side). According to the lockmaster, many locks at the beginning of the system have been renovated so that the water comes in from one side at the bottom, bounces off the other side, then rushes back. The boat needs to be on the side from which water is entering, because the water bouncing back will hold the boat on the wall. Only locks 13 and 15 are port side locks, the others below them are starboard locks, but the locks above them have water coming in from the centre, so the boater can go on either side.
Nice marina in Hastings with friendly helpful staff. Storm came up during dinner, passed quickly with some rain, cooled the air off nicely. Lori and Jay from BranchNOut caught up with us at the last lock, are once again docked across from us.
Picture shows a crib, now being used for markers and a resting place for seagulls. They were originally used for logging, to control the speed of the log booms coming down the system.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Beautiful day today, sunny with just a light breeze. Left Picton this am, easy trip to Trenton. Had thought about starting up the Trent-Severn but it was getting cloudy and windy, so decided to stay here. The folks here are very friendly, remembered us from when we were here two years ago; gave us a ride to Canadian Tire to pick up a few things. We are docked again beside BranchNOut; we are both planning to start the Trent-Severn system tomorrow if the weather is good, and the predicitons look good. Also met Art and Kathy from Fortuity. They started the Loop in Florida, so are a good part of the way around. The people here at the marina tell us that there are several other loopers just ahead of us.
The next stage
17 July 2010
Met some other loopers in Kingston last night, Dream Fever and Branchin Out; first we have met since we left home. Both couples have been travelling for some time.
Breezy this morning, but decided to move on to Picton. Got a slip at Tip of the Bay Motel and Marina. Wind came up so we were glad to arrive and get tied up. Branchin Out decided to travel today and we are tied up next to each other in Picton. Went for a walk through the town, very busy on a Saturday afternoon. Pretty town. Storms passed by during the evening and a little rain, but we seem to miss the worst of it.
Son Adam came down from Toronto for the evening and spent the night.
Met some other loopers in Kingston last night, Dream Fever and Branchin Out; first we have met since we left home. Both couples have been travelling for some time.
Breezy this morning, but decided to move on to Picton. Got a slip at Tip of the Bay Motel and Marina. Wind came up so we were glad to arrive and get tied up. Branchin Out decided to travel today and we are tied up next to each other in Picton. Went for a walk through the town, very busy on a Saturday afternoon. Pretty town. Storms passed by during the evening and a little rain, but we seem to miss the worst of it.
Son Adam came down from Toronto for the evening and spent the night.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Underway again
Gordon's marine in Ganonoqe did a wonderful job of getting our starter problem fixed and put back in the boat, and very quickly. All systems seem to be working well (touch wood). We left at noon, arrived Confederatin Basin Marina in Kingston shortly after 3. Rainy stormy weather cleared just before we left, travelled in warm sunny weather, a little breezy. Wind picked up a little more as we arrived, nice to be docked.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Small Delay
Few mechanical problems showed up as we were leaving Ganonoque Municipal Marina, returned to have them checked out. Apparently the starter for the Stbd engine is malfunctioning, so it has been removed and sent for repair. We hope that it will be back tomorrow, and that all problems will then be solved. Spent the day doing lots of odd jobs. We have moved over to Gordon Marine for the repair, have a beautiful view out over the St. Lawrence and this section of the Thousand Islands, warm sunny day with a nice breeze. It is beautiful here. If we had to be in need of repairs, couldn’t have asked for a better setting.
We've Started
14 July, 2010
The day has finally come! We left Crysler Park Marina this morning for our adventure – THE GREAT LOOP.
A big thank you to management and staff at CPM for their help and support over the past weeks. Also thank you to all of our friends for their well wishes.
It was difficult to say goodbye to family, but we will be keeping in touch. Megan and Jeff, with Taryn, Tali and Tori, came to see us off. That was great. Beth with Xavier and Lukas had been to say good-bye on Monday evening
We were through Iroquois Lock by noon, no delay there. Reached Ganonoque Municipal Marina at 6:40 pm, where we met friends Gordie and Esther. A good visit, plus Esther took me to the grocery store here for a few last minute items, including some treats like ice cream bars. Weather was hot and humid all day, with sun and clouds. Remains warm this evening, Ganonoque has a good crop of mosquitoes.
Few issues during the day with the port engine intermittently getting a little warm, then it would return to normal. Not sure what the problem is.
The day has finally come! We left Crysler Park Marina this morning for our adventure – THE GREAT LOOP.
A big thank you to management and staff at CPM for their help and support over the past weeks. Also thank you to all of our friends for their well wishes.
It was difficult to say goodbye to family, but we will be keeping in touch. Megan and Jeff, with Taryn, Tali and Tori, came to see us off. That was great. Beth with Xavier and Lukas had been to say good-bye on Monday evening
We were through Iroquois Lock by noon, no delay there. Reached Ganonoque Municipal Marina at 6:40 pm, where we met friends Gordie and Esther. A good visit, plus Esther took me to the grocery store here for a few last minute items, including some treats like ice cream bars. Weather was hot and humid all day, with sun and clouds. Remains warm this evening, Ganonoque has a good crop of mosquitoes.
Few issues during the day with the port engine intermittently getting a little warm, then it would return to normal. Not sure what the problem is.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Almost ready to leave
The past few days have been busy as we get ready to leave. Williams Marine finished the shaft as promised and we picked it up on Friday. The mechanic was able to install on Saturday, as well as finish some fiberglass work on the bow of the boat. Spent Sunday waxing boat, putting bow pulpit back on along with the windlass, checking engines. One refused to start so had to get the mechanic back, found the issue.
finally ready to put the boat in the water. Boat was lifted on the trailer, trailer started moving out of the parking lot we were in, promptly got stuck in a mud puddle from previous heavy rains, dug a trench in the roadway of the marina. Once out of there, ran into a couple of troublesome tree branches, Wayne and Dave from the marina sawed them off so we could get safely past. Some issues getting the boat started once in the water, but finally everything fixed. Spent today cleaning, sorting, fixing, and moving on board. Hope to leave tomorrow.
finally ready to put the boat in the water. Boat was lifted on the trailer, trailer started moving out of the parking lot we were in, promptly got stuck in a mud puddle from previous heavy rains, dug a trench in the roadway of the marina. Once out of there, ran into a couple of troublesome tree branches, Wayne and Dave from the marina sawed them off so we could get safely past. Some issues getting the boat started once in the water, but finally everything fixed. Spent today cleaning, sorting, fixing, and moving on board. Hope to leave tomorrow.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Preparing to leave
Have spent the past couple of months with a mechanic going over the boat from stem to stern. He found a few things to repair, and of course, everything is taking longer than anticipated - a result of lots of rain and a need to repair more than we had thought we needed. Currently one shaft is being replaced with one being built in Ganonoque; they promised to have it ready in a week, so we hope they can do so. We took it to them today. We are grateful that the boat is tied up while we are at home rather than part way around the loop.
Meanwhile, we have applied for a Nexus card, will make arrangements, we hope, for an interview next week. Also have to look at health insurance for our stay in the US. We have a radio license for the boat (a requirement in the US, but not in Canada), and a license for the dinghy. Still have to arrange health insurance for our stay in the US. Things are coming together, and we hope to leave either next weekend or the beginning of the following week, just a week behind schedule so far.
Meanwhile, we have applied for a Nexus card, will make arrangements, we hope, for an interview next week. Also have to look at health insurance for our stay in the US. We have a radio license for the boat (a requirement in the US, but not in Canada), and a license for the dinghy. Still have to arrange health insurance for our stay in the US. Things are coming together, and we hope to leave either next weekend or the beginning of the following week, just a week behind schedule so far.
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